Bloomberg: Germany's actions against Russia put Austria at risk

Austria risks becoming a hostage to German policy directed against Russia. The Haidach gas storage facility, the largest in Central Europe, may be at risk, writes Bloomberg.

The Haidach gas storage facility, connected only to the German power grid, is unlikely to be full after Moscow cut off gas supplies to the Gazprom Germania division seized by the German government.

Europeans need to stockpile fuel to keep their industries working and stay warm next winter, but Berlin's actions have deprived Vienna of vital supplies, the journalist noted.

The article points out that Austria receives about 80 percent of its gas from Russia and cutting it off from the largest supplier will lead to a recession in the country.

"Gazprom" abandoned its German department Gazprom Germania at the end of March after reports in the media about the searches that took place in the company. On April 4, the country's authorities took the enterprise under temporary management, deeming the acquisition of the company without their permission by new investors invalid.

Author`s name
Petr Ermilin