American laboratories found in Nigeria where monkeypox began to spread

First monkeypox outbreak took place in Nigeria, where at least four US biological laboratories operate, said Igor Kirillov, head of the radiation, chemical and biological defense forces of the Russian Armed Forces.

“According to the WHO report, the introduction of the West African strain of the causative agent of monkeypox originated from Nigeria, another state in which the United States has deployed its biological infrastructure. In accordance with the available information, there are at least four biolaboratories controlled by Washington in Nigeria,” he said.

Kirillov also recalled a strange coincidence that requires verification by specialists.

“According to European and American media, in the materials of the Munich Security Conference 2021, that is, against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, a scenario was worked out to counter an outbreak caused by a new strain of the monkeypox virus,” the general said.

He called on WHO to investigate the activities of US-funded Nigerian laboratories in Abuja, Zaria, Lagos and inform the world community about its results.

The general also warned that smallpox ampoules from laboratories located in the United States could fall into the hands of terrorists.

“The lack of proper control and violation of biosecurity requirements in the United States can lead to the use of this pathogen for terrorist purposes," he said.

Author`s name
Petr Ermilin