Zelensky invites two Azov* militants to speak before the Greek Parliament

Members of the Greek Parliament condemned Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky for his address. Zelensky appeared before the Greek Parliament via video link and gave a word to a couple of "guests" — Azov* fighters Leont Mikhail and a man only named as Anastasios (he covered his face with a balaclava).

According to Zelensky, the two Azov* fighters were allegedly of Greek origin.

After Zelensky's speech, Olga Gerovasili, secretary of Greek opposition party Syriza Progressive Alliance, said that inviting representatives of nationalist battalions to such events was unacceptable.

"We are having a meeting of party leaders soon and we will ask Parliament Speaker Tasoulas to explain whether he was informed and whether he gave his consent to that," she said.

One of the Azov* fighters, who did not hide behind the mask, said that he was fighting against Russian Nazism to defend Mariupol, his hometown. He also directly acknowledged that he was an Azov* fighter. He proceeded to say that the Russian forces were fiercely bombing residential areas in the city. The second fighter, who covered his face with a balaclava, said that Azov* was courageous enough to show resistance to the Russian forces. He then wondered whether Greece would be courageous enough to save the people of Mariupol.

Mariupol residents: We are happy that the Russians came!

By contrast, a video posted on Vashi Novosti (Your News) YouTube channel shows two women in Mariupol standing against the background of a severely damaged residential building. The women in the video said that they were hiding in the basements from Azov fighters, but not the Russian military.

The reporter behind the camera asked the women: "Are you saying that it was Azov fighters that shell you?" The woman in the black coat responds positively twice: "Yes, yes."

"They came to the basement where we were hiding. We were staying there with little children, babies, but they told us that we have to give them our water, cigarettes, food and everything else. We used dirty water — the water that we could get. We would boil it and give it to the children, we would add it to formula milk, but they (the fighters — ed.) were telling us to give them our water. They told us: "We are doing our job. we will leave soon." "But what about us?" I asked them in return. And they said: "You do whatever you can, you can go and find another shelter somewhere else."

"When we were there in the basement with us, we were praying and crying, because we were scared of them. But then the "invaders", as they say came (the Russian forces — ed.), and we now have bread and we can go outside," the woman continued.

The reporter then asked the women whether the DPR militia and the Russian military men were acting normally towards them or not.

"Yes, they are acting normally. They help us, they give us everything they can. As soon as we have the /internet connection here, I will tell all my relatives about what those Azov fighters were doing here. I am a Ukrainian like you are, but it is you who is killing me," the woman said speaking about the atrocities of the Azov fighters.

"We are happy that the DPR forces are here," the woman said in conclusion.

*banned in Russia

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