Ukrainian journalist makes blood chilling calls to exterminate Russian children

Ukrainian journalist Fakhrudin Sharafmal, who called for the murder of Russian children, will be found and eliminated, the head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov said, RIA Novosti reports.

Aksyonov called Sharafmal a "dog", adding that men should fight men, but not children.

"We will find you … We will find this dog and eliminate him. I am saying this to all those who say such things: we will find you all,” the head of the Crimea said.

Aksyonov promised a reward of 10 million rubles for his capture.

The day before, Sharafmal, a native of Western Ukraine, described his vision of how to fight the Russian Federation. Speaking on Ukrainian 24 TV channel, the journalist quoted Nazi criminal Adolf Eichmann and called to exterminate Russian children in the first place.

"As a journalist, I have to be objective and unbiased in order to report with a cold heart, but to be honest, it's very difficult to hold feelings now,” Sharafmal said. "As long as they call us Nazis and fascists in Russia, I will let myself quote Adolf Eichmann, who said that in order to destroy a nation, one should destroy children at first. When one kills their parents, children will grow up and take revenge. When one kills children, they will never grow up, and the nation will disappear. The armed forces of Ukraine can not destroy Russian children because it is prohibited by the rules of war. It is also prohibited by various conventions, including the Geneva Convention. Yet, I am not from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. When I get a chance to do away with the Russians, I will definitely do it.

"Since you call me a Nazi, I adhere to Adolf Eichmann's doctrine and will do everything in my power to ensure that you and your children never live on this earth. You need to feel what it's like, when innocent civilians die. You need to feel all the pain and suffering when you say "we didn't start the war, it's all Putin, we didn't want this war."

"We didn't want it either. You must understand that it goes about the victory of the Ukrainian people, but not about peace. We need victory, and if we have to slaughter all your families for this, I will be one of the first to do it. Glory to the nation! We hope that such a nation as Russia and Russians will never remain on this earth. They are just scum who destroy this earth.

"If the Ukrainians have an opportunity, and this is what they are doing now — to exterminate, slaughter, kill, strangle Muscovites. I hope that everyone will contribute and kill at least one Muscovite," the journalist said in his address on TV.


Adolf Eichmann, the chief of Sector IV B 4 of Directorate IV of the Reich Main Security Office, was directly in charge of the Nazi plan "Final Solution of the Jewish Question". Eichmann was one of the organizers and participants of the so-called Wannsee Conference on January 20, 1942, at which the leadership of the Third Reich actually authorized the beginning of the mass extermination of the Jewish population of Europe. Eichmann was also the main executor of approved decisions. He was supervising the deportations of Jews and their extermination in "death camps".

After the war, Eichmann fled to South America, where he was found by Israeli Mossad intelligence agents. He was kidnapped, taken to Israel, and put on trial. On December 15, 1961, Eichmann was sentenced to death for war crimes and against humanity. The Nazi was hanged on the night of May 31 to June 1, 1962 in the Ramla prison. His body was burned in the oven in the prison yard.

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