European Parliament shuts down Latvian MEP for speaking about Donbass

The European Parliament discussed EU's relations with Russia on February 16. As expected, one of the main topics during the discussion was devoted to Russia's military threat to Ukraine.

Most MEPs had their sympathies with Ukraine. Some of them shouted the slogan of Ukrainian nationalists — "Glory to Ukraine!"

The speech by the representative of Latvia, Tatyana Zhdanok, came as an unpleasant surprise for them. Zhdanok expressed her indignation about the fact that it was allowed to voice the slogans of Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera from the rostrum of the European Parliament. She also questioned the topic of the discussion — Russia's military threat to Ukraine — by saying that even Ukrainian politicians start denying this threat.

Tatyana Zhdanok then proceeded to the facts that exposed the atrocities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbass:

"These facts have been registered by the UN, the OSCE and other international structures,” the Latvian politician said.

She then showed the audience a photo of a little boy, who was killed in Donetsk in a drone attack.

"These are children killed in Donbass. Over the past eight years, 152 children have been killed and 146 injured. The latest tragedy is… a four-year-old boy killed by a drone, and his parents asked us to say: "Stop killing the children of Donbass!"

However, Tatyana Zhdanok was not allowed to finish her speech. The chairwoman of the meeting asked the MEP to leave the rostrum by saying that such form of propaganda was not allowed.

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