Three Russian warships set off on a secret mission to Cuba

Three warships that set off on a mission from the Baltic Sea attracted close attention of the United States.

Three Russian large landing ships — the Minsk, the Korolev and the Kaliningrad — set off on a journey from the Baltic Sea in the direction of the North Sea. Nothing has been said about the weapons that the ships carry on board.

Against the background of the statements from Russian officials about the possible deployment of a Russian military contingent near US borders, the United States and NATO paid special attention to the manoeuvres of the three Russian warships. The capabilities of the above-mentioned vessels are sufficient to transport both nuclear and non-nuclear missile weapons.

At the moment, the route of the three Russian landing ships remains unknown. However, the United States fears that Russia is doing it in response to the United States and NATO.

Iskander missiles, for instance, will be enough to attack a half of Florida from the territory of Cuba. If Bastion coastal missile systems are delivered to Cuba, they will be enough to destroy most of the American naval bases on the territory of this state. Indeed, the weapons that Russia has at its disposal today will be able to turn US military facilities into ruins within minutes.

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