Poland calls Russia a serial rapist that deserves a kick in the balls

Radoslaw Sikorski, a member of the European Parliament from Poland, former chief of the Polish Foreign Ministry, pledged that Russia will "get a kick in the balls."

The Polish official thus responded to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who referred to NATO as a geopolitical project to take over the territories orphaned by the collapse of the Warsaw Treaty Organisation and the Soviet Union.

"Get this, Russian Embassy, once and for all, in a language you can grasp. We were not orphaned by you because you were not our daddy. More of a serial rapist. Which is why you are not missed. And if you try it again, you'll get a kick in the balls," Sikorski wrote on Twitter. 

Earlier, experts at the Eurasian Strategies agency of Moscow's MGIMO University urged Russia to be prepared for more provocations from the West in 2022. In one of such provocations, they believe, Poland may disrupt the strategic stability dialogue between Russia and the United States.

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