Russian Ka-52 combat helicopters intimidate Turkey with 'death carousel'

Turkey's intentions to transfer thousands of its troops, tanks, artillery and other weapons to Syria to conduct a large-scale military operation in the northern part of the Arab Republic with an ultimate goal to possibly occupy the region, forced Russia to use military aircraft in the northern regions of the Arab Republic.

Russian Ka-52 combat helicopters constantly patrol the zones of the Turkish military operation Olive Branch and Shield of the Euphrates, the regions bordering with this zone, as well as the Turkish-Syrian border. 

It was reported that the Russian military repeatedly thwarted Turkey's attempts to deploy its troops to Syria, and stopped militants from moving further south. In addition, the Russian military aviation does not allow the arrival of US military in this region, even though the Americans already expressed their intentions to gain a foothold in the northern part of Syria under the pretext of the need to prevent a Turkish invasion.

Earlier in the border area with Turkey, a Russian Orlan-10 UAV was shot down. This was allegedly facilitated by the use of electronic warfare systems by the Turkish military. Almost immediately after that, Russian Ka-52 attack helicopters were spotted near the Turkish borders performing the "death carousel" manoeuvre.

Turkey's provocation, allegedly associated with the destruction of the Russian Orlan-10 reconnaissance drone with the help of an electronic warfare system deployed near the Turkish-Syrian border, did not go unnoticed by the command of the Russian Aerospace Forces. According to pro-Turkish sources in Syria, after the incident with the Russian drone over the city of Jarablus, which remains under the control of the Turkish army and Turkey-controlled terrorists, Russian Ka-52 attack helicopters patrolled the positions of the Turkish army and performed a tactical manoeuvre known as "death carousel" (aka "carousel", "air carousel").

Having performed patrol flights over Jarablus, the Russian helicopters flew away, but their appearance became a reminder to the Turkish side indicating that the Russian military is in complete control of the situation in Syria, despite the presence of thousands of Turkish military and tens of thousands of Turkish mercenaries in the region.

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