Israel's missile defense system loses to obsolete Soviet weapon during first combat use

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) made the first use of the national missile defense system known as David's Sling (formerly known as the Magic Wand) in real combat operations. On Monday, July 23, two interceptor missiles of the system were released to intercept missiles of Soviet-made tactical complex Tochka (SS-21) launched from the territory of Syria.

The message posted on the website of the IDF says that the Syrian missiles were most likely launched during hostilities in Syria. Yet, an attempt to intercept those missiles failed. The IDF press service later confirmed that the Syrian missiles were not intercepted. After Israeli interceptors missed the target, they were destroyed by operators David's Sling. Each of the destroyed missiles was evaluated at one million dollars, Ynet website said.

Israel has recently coordinated the ten-year program to strengthen anti-missile defense forces of the country. The program was prepared against the backdrop of the growing threat of missile attacks from Syria and Iran. The program is evaluated at 30 billion shekels. The funds will be used to purchase additional missile defenses, develop new systems and build bomb shelters.

It is worthy of note that Tochka tactical missile systems (NATO reporting name SS-21) were passed into service for the Soviet Army in 1975. Before the collapse of the USSR, Tochka missile systems had been supplied to many countries of the world, including Syria.

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