Canada approves anti-Russian law sponsored by Russophobes

Canada has effected its own "Magnitsky Act," which stipulates sanctions against foreign government employees suspected of corruption and human rights violations.

On October 19, the document was effected upon receiving a formal sanction from Queen Elizabeth II. Prior to that, the law was passed by the House of Commons, and on Tuesday - by the Senate.

Russian Embassy to Canada said that the law, known as S-226, was an irrational law sponsored by a fugitive tax evader and people who hate Russia.

Representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry earlier expressed disappointment over Canada's move to adopt an analog to the Magnitsky Act. Maria Zakharova, an official representative of the Russian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, said that the bill would disrupt relations between Moscow and Ottawa. She also said that the document was aimed at imposing sanctions against Russian citizens.

Press secretary of the Russian Embassy in Ottawa, Kirill Kalinin, said earlier that the decision taken by the Canadian authorities was "a regrettable act of confrontation and undisguised interference in Russia's internal affairs."

According to him, the adoption of the law was "a continuation of the unsuccessful policy pursued by Russophobic elements." Kalinin also added that the decision came contrary to common sense and Canadian national interests, as it isolates Canada from one of the key world powers."


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