
US to deploy nuclear bombers B-52 and nuclear sub in South Korea

US to deploy nuclear bombers B-52 and nuclear sub in South Korea
REX Photo

The conflict between two Koreas keeps burning up. Despite the talks of the two countries' representatives, no progress can be seen, but growing military tension.

The US and South Korea meanwhile discuss the possibility to deploy the American strategic bombers B-52 and nuclear-powered submarine at the South Korean territory, according to the Ministry of Defence.

"Our initial concept against North Korea's provocations is deterrence," Defense Ministry spokesman Kim Min-seok said tion. "We will stand with a powerful war readiness position to deter North Korean provocations and, if provoked, will react harshly to the extent the North Korea would regret it," he noted.

South Korea is also reported to turn back about ten F16 aircraft fighters, participating in the drills in Alaska.

Joint American and South Korean drills generated the renewal of mutual threats between the neighbouring countries.

Also read: Kim Jong-Un declares preparations for war with US and South Korea


Read article in Russian on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru



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