Pentagon under threat of Cyber Caliphate

ISIS warned the United States of facing a cyber attack in the nearest future.

The fighters claimed with the help of a tweet called "Message to America" which was posted in Arabic that ISIS hackers will do something "surprising" that "will frighten America."

In January ISIS allegedly hacked the U.S. central military command. "Pentagon networks hacked. AMERICAN SOLDIERS WE ARE COMING, WATCH YOUR BACK. ISIS. #CyberCaliphate," a tweeted message stated.

According to the National Interest, "the CENTCOM hack matters because it demonstrates that the Cyber Caliphate's skills are developing. No, the group didn't access classified systems or even unclassified ones. What's more likely is that the group picked CENTCOM for a different reason - because it would get more attention than the previous intrusions they've claimed."

However, it is supposed that the case is some military Information Operation to further Obama's attempts to introduce more extensive internet spying which he is likely to push for in next week's State of the Union speech.

"The Islamic State and its real followers never use the acronym ISIS for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria," notes the Moon of Alabama blog. "In their mind the Islamic State is not confined to the borders of Iraq and Syria. It is universal and has no geographical limits. Any real follower of the Islamic State will know this."

Read article in Russian on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru

Also read: Cyber attacks are the new "Cold War"

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