Former Ukrainian officials, who hide abroad from justice and Interpol as fugitives, will be found sooner or later, even if it takes years to find them, member of Popular Front, Anton Gerashchenko said on Ukrainian television.
In Israel, the official said, they look for enemies, even after 50 years.
"Those people used the situation to their advantage for a few days and escaped from the country afterwards. But we will find them," he said.
Noteworthy, the European Union intends to lift sanctions from a number of Ukrainian officials, who served in Viktor Yanukovych's administration.
Sanctions will be lifted from ex-head of the Security Bureau of Ukraine, Alexander Yakimenko, Alexei Azarov, Viktor Yanukovich, Jr., Dmitry Tabachnik, Elena Lukash and Sergei Klyuyev, a representative of Petro Poroshenko's Block, Sergei Leshchenko said.
According to the MP, the Ukrainian authorities should have accused the above-mentioned individuals of economic crimes.