Russian nuclear warheads produce half of USA's nuclear power


Nearly a half of nuclear power in the United States is produced by Russian nuclear warheads, Senior Deputy Secretary of State on Disarmament, Rose Gottemoeller, said Oct. 10th in her speech at the First Committee of the UN.

The fuel made from low-enriched uranium is produced by the destruction of nuclear warheads. Then, the fuel is used at nuclear power plants for the production of nuclear energy.

Rose Gottemoeller also added that over the past 15 years, nuclear fuel produced with the use of Russian nuclear warheads, has provided ten percent of all electric power produced in the United States.

The agreement from 1993 between the United States and Russia on the HEU-LEU program (highly enriched uranium - low enriched uranium) expires this year.

The delivery of the last batch of uranium from Russia is scheduled for November.

"We are looking forward to the moment when we celebrate this achievement," said Gottemoeller.

Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov had a meeting with Rose Gottemoeller on October 9th.

The officials focused on the situation in Syria, including the agreement on the international control over Syrian chemical weapons.

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