Ecuador's Correa compares America to Nazi Germany

Ecuador's President Rafael Correa responded to Obama's speech about exceptionalism of the United States. Correa compared Obama's behavior with that of Nazis "before and after the Second World War," Daily Caller said.

"Doesn't it remind you of the rhetoric of Nazis, who positioned themselves as an exceptional and superior race? Such words and ideas carry serious danger," he said in an interview with the Spanish publication.

Correa's comments relate to the speech of Barack Obama at the UN General Assembly, in which he tried to explain why America was an exceptional nation. One of the arguments that the U.S. president used was America's efforts to defend not only its own interests but also the interests of other states.

According to Correa, the United States violated international law and continues to violate it. "What Plato wrote in "Dialogues" over 2,000 years ago is true. Justice is nothing more than a privilege of the powerful. The U.S. is strong, so it continues to lie and careless about the laws of other countries, compromising their sovereignty. But the day will come, when this unjust world has to change," concluded the president of Ecuador.



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