Edward Snowden is still in Moscow, waiting for Ecuador to make a decision on granting political asylum to the former CIA agent. Retired Maj. Gen. of Russia's FSB, Eugene Lobachyov, shared his views with Pravda.Ru of what may expect Snowden in the future.
"Snowden has not asked us for asylum, nor is he our employee or agent. A trend has appeared in the West, especially among the intellectual part of the Western society - they do not tolerate lies. Many have have long understood that the policies of the United States and England, and now France, are more of triple, rather than double standards. Moreover, interests of the state elite prevail in each case.
Snowden, like other personas who unveiled state secrets, actually provided documents to prove what everyone already knows. All these young people can not and do not want to tolerate such a disgusting attitude towards their citizens and foreigners from their ruling elites. They try to restore justice. Personally, I can only salute such people.
"Snowden has not asked Russia for asylum. If he does, I'm 90% sure that Russia will grant him political asylum. But I think that he won't ask because he is a principled fighter. If he takes the side of one of the world powers in this way, he will compromise his honesty.
He's flying through Moscow through Cuba to Ecuador. If he had tried to fly through Spain or Frankfurt am Main, or via London, it is almost certain that he would have been extradited to the United States.