Thousands of French protest against gay marriage



Hundreds of thousands of French people took to the streets in Paris on Sunday to express their protest against the legalization of gay marriage.

The action that took place in the French capital became the largest mass action since the new president, Francois Hollande, came to power. Representatives of various political and social organizations came to Paris to take part in a protest action against the plans of the government to legalize same-sex marriage. The Catholic Church also expressed support to the demonstrators.

French President Francois Hollande plans to legalize gay marriage and adoption of children by homosexual families by June 2013. The government has already approved the adequate bill, and now it is up for the French Parliament to say its word on the matter. The parliament will consider the document in the current month.

It should be noted that Hollande works within the planned course. Legalizing gay marriage was one of his campaign promises. Currently, gay couples in France are entitled to register a civil union, while the new law will allow them to conclude full marriage. The protesters were particularly outraged by the paragraph on the adoption of children by same-sex couples.



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