British youths are recruited to fight in Syria

Prensa Latina

Young Britons are being recruited by jihadi groups to fight as mercenaries in Syria, warned local media here that highlight a report from The Sunday Telegraph.

Fundamentalist groups involved in the war unleashed against this nation recruit an increasing number of young people in the UK of Pakistani and Sudan origin to join the ranks of the Syrian armed opposition, according to an investigation by the British newspaper, quoted here by television.

The infiltrators recruited in Syria are mainly from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sudan, not counting the hundreds of British residents of Syrian origin who were enlisted, according to the study by Andrew Gilligan, which was republished by Syrian Arab News Agency, SANA.

The Sunday Telegraph claims that British security seems to be taking little or no action on these practices that repeat what has already occurred against Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The investigation found that at least 30 young Britons who are not of Syrian origin, traveled to that country to join the fighting against the government, said the Labour MP for Birmingham, Khalid Mahmoud, quoted by the newspaper.

Mahmoud expressed extreme concern because it is similar to seeing what occurred in the early stages of the war against the Afghan authorities in the early 1980s, which relied on mujahedin against the Soviet presence.

Translated from the Portuguese version by:

Lisa Karpova

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