Watermelons spread lethal infection in UK

An outbreak of salmonella was registered in the UK. According to the British Food Standard Agency (FSA), the infection most likely comes from watermelons. One person has already died from the disease, 30 others were hospitalized.

According to The Telegraph, women make three-thirds of those who caught the infection. There is also a six-month old infant among the patients.

Incidents of salmonella infection were also reported in Germany. The carrier of the bacteria has not been determined yet. Officials recommend people to thoroughly wash fruit and vegetables before eating them, Gazeta.ru reports.

Last year, E.Coli 104 bacteria caused an epidemic of intestinal infection in Europe. Russia had to suspend vegetable imports from the EU on June 2. The epidemic began in the north of Germany. E.Coli killed nearly 40 people. It was originally believed that the lethal bacteria were coming from Spanish cucumbers, although the assumption was later proved wrong. 


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