Vladimir Putin and Steven Seagal open new sports complex in Moscow


Source: Itar-Tass

Russian President Vladimir Putin and famous American actor Steven Seagal took part in the opening of a new sports complex in the south-west of Moscow.

The President and the actor met last year in Sochi at the first world championship of mixed martial arts. It is an open secret that Vladimir Putin is a master of judo and sambo (he holds the eighth judo dan). Seagal holds the seventh dan in aikido (there are ten dans in aikido, but the highest dans - from 8 to 10 - were awarded only to the students of the founder of this martial art Morihei Ueshiba).

At "Sambo-70" center, where the new sports complex opened, the official guests attended a training session of the Russian team on martial arts. The athletes prepare for the second World Games, which will be held in October 2013 in St. Petersburg.


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