
Official proudly presents armless wrestler with iPad

Official proudly presents armless wrestler with iPad

A confusing situation occurred to mayor of the Russian town of Berezniki, Sergey Dyakov. The mayor had a meeting with 17-year champion in para-taekwondo Vadim Krichfalushi. The young man is a disabled individual: he does not have his both arms. However, the mayor presented the armless man with an iPad. The wrestler was flabbergasted and did not know how to react at first, Life News reports.

Vadim Krichfalushi, became known in the town after he won the title of the World Cup in para-taekwondo on the Caribbean island of Aruba on November 22.

Berezniki mayor Sergey Dyakov gave the champion an iPad saying that "he will find the tablet useful" when traveling abroad for sports competitions. The official also added that the athlete would learn how to use it very quickly. Most likely, the official was not aware of the things that he was saying to the stunned teenager.

The armless athlete was puzzled. He did not know at first how to accept the gift, not to offend the official. As a result, the young man's coach Denis Anikeev accepted the gift. The teenager in return promised to learn how to use the gadget with the help of his feet.

The 17-year wrestler had to work hard to win the title. His opponent from Azerbaijan, a former world champion, had one arm, while Vadim had both arms amputated. The young man became disabled when he was 4 years of age: he had his both arms burnt as a result of electric shock.



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