Russian explorer Fyodor Konyukhov rows across South Atlantic in 68 days

Russian traveler Fyodor Konyukhov has become the first person in history to row across the South Atlantic Ocean, according to a statement on his Telegram channel.

On the night of February 11, Konyukhov’s rowboat AKROS passed Cape Agulhas (South Africa) and entered the Indian Ocean. His route is considered one of the most challenging and dangerous ones in these latitudes.

The journey across the South Atlantic took him 68 days.

Continuing the Journey Toward Australia

Konyukhov is now continuing his voyage through the South Atlantic and Indian Ocean toward Australia. He began his expedition on December 5, 2024, in the Drake Passage. His next target is Cape Leeuwin (Western Australia), which is 4,200 nautical miles away.

This journey – from Cape Horn (Chile) to Cape Leeuwin – is the second stage of Konyukhov’s round-the-world route in the Southern Ocean.

During the first stage in 2018-2019, he successfully rowed from New Zealand (Dunedin Port) to Cape Horn (Chile)aboard "AKROS", a voyage that took 154 days. He became the first person in history to row solo across the Southern Ocean from New Zealand to the Drake Passage.

About the AKROS Rowboat

The AKROS rowboat, measuring 9 meters (30 feet), was designed by British naval architect Philip Morrison. It is equipped with navigation instruments, communication devices, and a heated sleeping area for rest.

In 2023-2024, the boat underwent modernization at a shipyard in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Author`s name
Pavel Morozov