Teen girl kills her two half-sisters aged two and five

Bodies of girls aged two and five with stab wounds to the neck and torso were found in an apartment in the city of Togliatti, Russia.

A 13-year-old half-sister of the girls is suspected of the murder. A ten-year-oild girl found the bodies of the girls on the apartment balcony. There are five children in the family, the eldest 18-year-old daughter lives separately. The family was characterized positively, RIA Novosti said with reference to sources at law enforcement agencies.

At the time of the murder, the parents were staying at the police station after the mother filed a statement accusing her cohabitant of assaulting her. The man apologized and left a note that he made with a piece of chalk on the asphalt surface in front of the apartment building. The woman forgave him, but the two were still called in for questioning.

Before going to the police station, the mother left her 13-year-old daughter to look after her sisters. When the woman left, the girl killed her two little half-sisters.

The police found the 13-year-old girl in the park. The girl confessed to her mother about the murder over the phone. It was also said that she had no history of mental disorders.

After being questioned by the Investigative Committee and talking to a psychologist, the 13-year-old girl was taken to a mental health clinic for examination. Her biological father is currently fighting in Ukraine. Her mother is on maternity leave, she worked in a kindergarten before.

Author`s name
Petr Ermilin