Girls at St. Petersburg International Economic Forum double their prices

Escort services at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) in 2024 may reach up to three million rubles (about $34,000) per week, "depending on qualification,” an escort industry worker told Fontanka publication.

"It all depends on the interest and on qualifications of the performer, if one may call it that. The price may reach two and a half and three million [rubles],” an unnamed woman said.

There are many of those who want to order an escort service at the forum in 2024. The unnamed speaker did not agree that demand exceeds supply this year.

"Girls don't stay in the profession for long. They make the required amount and leave,” the woman said.

According to the Moskovsky Komsomolets publication, full support prices have "almost doubled” in 2024 as compared to the previous year — up to 700,000 rubles ($7,800) for a full day. Girls from other cities reduce prices to 350,000.

The escort manager said that one should distinguish "quality service” from "cheap fakes” that do not speak foreign languages ​​and have little understanding of etiquette and economic issues. Clients understand this and give preference to escort agencies, Fontanka says.

The forum is even known as the "St. Petersburg International Escort Forum” for the scale and diversity of nationalities of the girls who offer their services at the event.

Author`s name
Pavel Morozov