"You died in your sleep: what it means" was explained by a clairvoyant and shaman

Clairvoyant and shaman Kaizetta Akhmetzhanova revealed that death in a dream can symbolize change or a transitional period.

According to the expert, it is important to pay attention to your feelings when interpreting a dream and relate them to what is happening in your life.

"To get more information, pay attention to how you die in your dream. If you die a violent death, it means that you should be careful and beware of recklessness, immediate danger, and enemies. If you died a peaceful death, consider the dream as a symbol of moving forward, completing studies, changes, or spiritual awakening," she told.

Also, a dream about death can signify the need to forget a person or negative experience and move on. It can be a symbolic farewell to a relationship, job, or home. In addition, a dream about the death of a family member, partner, or friend may indicate concern for that person or changes in the relationship with them.

Author`s name
Angela Antonova