Russia to implement system of QR code admission for vaccinated people

The Russian government will make up a list of public places that will be accessible to vaccinated citizens during the period of restrictive measures in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. Coronavirus restrictions will thus be mitigated for the vaccinated, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said, TASS reports.

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to develop a system of measures, through which vaccinated citizens will be able to attend cultural events and public places by presenting a QR code to confirm their vaccination status. The list of such places may include theatres and museums. The list of public facilities will be determined by the government and supplemented by regional governors, Prime Minister Mishustin said.

Earlier, President Vladimir Putin said that Russia was facing a very difficult situation as far as the development of the coronavirus pandemic in Russia was concerned. These days, Russia reports the largest number of positive cases of COVID-19 that the country had not seen during the pandemic before.

On Monday, November 1, Putin discussed the situation with COVID-19 in the country with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova and Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko.

The President stressed that Russia did not report over 40,000 cases of coronavirus infection per day before.

"This has never happened before," Putin said at the government meeting.

According to the head of state, Russia needs to continue building prefabricated hospitals for patients with COVID-19 amid the pandemic.

Earlier, Vladimir Putin instructed the head of the Ministry of Health, Mikhail Murashko, and his deputies to travel to the regions where the situation with COVID-19 was most critical in order to provide necessary assistance to medical specialists.

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