
Putin’s level of trust declines to its lowest in 14 years

Putin’s level of trust declines to its lowest in 14 years

The level of confidence in Russian President Vladimir Putin in March fell the lowest point in 14 years, a new poll conducted by All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (known for the Russian initials as WCIOM) said.

In March 2020, 28.3% of Russians declared confidence in Vladimir Putin, WCIOM reported. This is a record low since January 2006, when the service began to conduct such polls. In December 2019, the level of confidence in Putin was below 30% - 29.8%. In January, it rose to 30.6%, but in February fell again to 29%.

In the most recent study, WCIOM asked an open-ended question - "Speaking of politicians, whom do you trust?". The direct question about confidence specifically to Putin was asked in a survey conducted on April 19. As many as 69.8% of respondents answered positively to that question. The peak of confidence in Putin in a survey conducted with a closed-ended question was reported on January 26, 2020 - 73.9%. March 22, the level of confidence fell to the lowest value - 67 percent.

WCIOM was conducting surveys on the closed-ended question until May 2019. However, after only 30.5% of respondents declared confidence in Putin, sociologists switched to closed-ended questions, which implies a clear answer, for example: "Do you trust [this policy-maker]?" In addition, WCIOM began to publish measurements of Russians' trust in politicians once a month. Prior to that, they would be published weekly.

Levada Center also reported a decline in the ratings of the Russian president.

The level of trust in Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin was 52.1%, a poll with a closed-ended question showed, which WCIOM conducted in the middle of April. As many as 38.9% of respondents approved of the new prime minister's work. The work of his predecessor, Dmitry Medvedev, found approval with almost the same number of respondents - 38.1%. By April 19, only 25.2% trusted Medvedev as Prime Minister.

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