Siberian woman starts making soap in the shape of Putin bust


A female resident of Novosibirsk started manufacturing soap in the shape of President Putin's bust. The first batch of the new product is made of natural ingredients and can be available in five different versions: blackcurrant, strawberry-raspberry, cannabis, banana and anti-cellulite.

The woman uses perfume agent and adds useful oils to avoid the dry effect. For example, the anti-cellulite Putin soap is made of shea butter and apricot oil, essential citrus oil and orange zest, which gives the soap the scrubbing effect. The woman told local reporters that the cannabis Putin soap was green only because of the perfume agent. She plans to make the "rockstar Putin" soap for teenagers and continue with chocolate and vanilla scents.

A Putin bust soap is 12 centimetres tall and weighs about 230 grams. One soapy bust comes with a price tag of 500 rubles (about $9).


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