
Young woman with Down syndrome dreams to become fashion model

Young woman with Down syndrome dreams to become fashion model

Madeline Stuart is 18 and she has Down syndrome. However, the girl never gives up her dream of becoming a model. Modeling, she wrote on her Facebook page, can "help change societies view of people with Down Syndrome," Pravda.Ru said.

Madeline's mother, Roseanne Stuart, said her daughter has struggled with her weight throughout her life but recently started going in for dancing, swimming and cheerleading. "People with Down syndrome can be sexy and beautifuland should be celebrated," Roseanne said. 

"Things were a lot different 18 years ago. I remember having her in a stroller when she was a baby and small-minded people telling me she should not be out in public. Even her doctors said Madeline would never achieve anything. But things are changing every day and people are more accepting of what they don't understand yet," the woman shared her memories. 

Madeline has become very confident despite her disabilityand she constantly reminds her that she's perfect just the way she is. "I have made a point of never letting anyone be critical of her. I tell Maddy every day how amazing, funny, smart, beautiful, [and] wonderful she is. People need to see how she shines, how her personality just bursts out."

Earlier this year, Jamie Brewer became the first woman with Down syndrome to walk the runway during New York's Fashion Week.



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