US Congressmen were offered to consider a bill that may deprive US citizens from purchasing body armor. According to authors of the bill, bulletproof vests or helmets may prevent law-enforcers from doing their job properly. The bill may thus usurp people's ability to own a truly defensive form of protection, with penalties for possession or ownership ranging from fines to jail time or both, Pravda.Ru reports.
"This bill allows law enforcement to respond to active shooting situations more effectively. The bill prohibits the purchase, sale, or possession of military-grade body armor by anyone except certain authorized users, such as first-responders and law enforcement," Rep. Mike Honda said in a press release.
Previously, it was reported that the US Supreme Court ruled that police had no commitment to defend citizens of the United States. According to the court ruling, this is a sole responsibility of citizens themselves. Sounds like a cruel joke, does it not?
Read the news story on the Russian page of Pravda.Ru
The original available here