Nizhny Novgorod region honores Unknown Soldier


On December 3, 45 districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region conducted events to mark the Day of the Unknown Soldier. At the Eternal Flame in the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, a solemn meeting with the participation of government representatives, veterans and public figures was held.

"Today we gathered to honor those who never returned from battlefields, and whose graves remain unknown to all. We thank the guys from Nizhny Novgorod search groups "Kurgan"and "Phoenix," from the Arzamas search group "Dawn," who uncover the remains of those fallen soldiers every year, - Minister for Internal Regional and Municipal Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Anatoly Migunov said. - In 2014, they found the remains of nearly 14,000 soldiers in Russia. The names of about 3,000  defenders of the Fatherland were established. Of these, our Nizhny Novgorod search activists uncovered the remains of 180 soldiers," the official said. 

As regional Governor Valery Shantsev said in his statement, there were many examples of heroism and self-sacrifice in the history of our country. One of the most striking examples is the Great Patriotic War.

"Soviet soldiers then showed boundless courage and valor, millions of them fell in battles, defending their Fatherland. Unfortunately, the names of some of them, places of death, are still unknown. December 3 is the day that aims to unite the memory of all missing persons during armed conflicts. It is our duty to remember their feat, so that each of us could say with clear conscience: "No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten," said Shantsev.

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