Ukrainian defense officials need urgent psychiatric assistance

Adviser to the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Alexander Danyluk, stated that cadets of Russia's Kolomna Higher Artillery School took part in the shelling of the settlement of Saur-Mogila. Russian officials responded that such statements should be analyzed in psychiatric institutions. The military school in Kolomna was closed in 2008, an official spokesperson for the Russian Defense Ministry said.

"In the Russian language, there are no words to comment on another piece of nonsense from the military department of Ukraine, which was this time voiced by adviser to Ukrainian Defense Minister Alexander Danyluk. To comment on such nonsense, voiced by another adviser of Geletey (Ukrainian Defense Minister - ed.), we recommend addressing not the Russian Defense Ministry, but another institution, where they give prescriptions and make diagnoses," said the spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry.

According to him, "paper, and especially the Internet will endure everything, but still it's interesting to know that officials at the Ukrainian Defense Ministry smoke." "Such statements from representatives of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry are clear result of lustration that is being conducted in Ukraine, when they clean not only official ranks, but also their brains."

"As for the cadets of the Kolomna Higher Artillery School, I am stressing this out that the military institution stopped its activities six years ago in 2008," said the Russian Ministry, reports.

Russia's Defense Ministry offered Ukrainian "advisers" to speak about "uranium caps" and "a space blaster in Geletey's bloomers."

The ministry also reminded that in August of 1943, graduates of Soviet artillery, aviation, infantry, tank and other schools did take part in the fighting against Nazi invaders in Saur-Mogila, the taking of which marked the beginning of the liberation of the Donbas and the Soviet Ukraine.

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