Americans outraged with Obama's Hawaii game of golf


While U.S. President Barack Obama is playing golf in Hawaii, where he went with his family for traditional Christmas holidays, America is fighting the raging natural disaster that flooded the south of the country and froze the north, The Telegraph wrote.

The publication wrote that a powerful tornado left several thousands of people in the south without electricity on Saturday, Dec. 21. At least two people were killed. Meanwhile, in the north of the country, a heavy snowfall and ice storm led to chaos on the roads and broke power lines. It was also reported that on Sunday morning, about 100,000 homes were without electricity in the states of New York, Vermont and Maine. 

If Mr. Obama had stayed in Washington, he would have enjoyed unseasonably warm weather - 23 degrees Celsius, The Telegraph wrote.

Obama will stay in Hawaii before January 5. The newspaper reports that in spite of his vacation, the American president continued to work. On the first day of his holiday, Obama held a conference call with his national security adviser, Susan Rice and other senior officials after it became known that several U.S. soldiers were wounded in southern Sudan.


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