Professor of the Center for Religious Studies, chief editor of Religion and Law magazine, Anatoly Pchelintsev, shared his view with Pravda.Ru about the report saying that the Pope may allow all priests practice the ritual of exorcism.
"Exorcism is known as a ritual to expel demons from a person possessed by them. In the Russian Orthodox Church, it is called otchitka. This cult action must be treated very cautiously for many reasons. In the Russian Orthodox Church, for example, very few priests have a blessing for the ritual. Because this is a very scary sight. There's obscene language, a person may swear and vomit, and many other very unpleasant things may happen. Moreover, this entity - a devil, or Satan, or whatever we call it, can invade someone else who is standing nearby.
Not everyone can do this. In the Roman Catholic Church, this ritual action is more common than in the Russian Orthodox Church. Exorcism is practiced in Protestant churches too, although it is less common there," said Anatoly Pchelintsev.