USA and Europe ban flights of passenger jetliner of dream

Several countries, including Japan, India, Chile and the U.S., have suspended the operation of Boeing Dreamliner. Aircraft. The management of Boeing, in turn, had to make a statement about the safety of the troubled aircraft.

"We are confident that Boeing 787 Dreamliner is safe and we fully follow its reliability," Boeing representatives said in a statement.

The statement stressed that the recent incidents that have recently occurred to the aircraft was a common phenomenon during early stages of exploitation. However, various sorts of emergencies occur to this model regularly since the beginning of the year.

In particular, a battery defect led to the appearance of smoke on board the airplane at Boston airport. Also this week, a Boeing 787 had to perform an emergency landing in the Japanese city of Takamatsu as the aircraft battery caught fire. The Ministry of Transport of Japan came to conclusion that the problem could have caused a deadly crash.

The European Aviation Safety Agency followed the example of Japan and the U.S. and banned the operation of Boeing 787. Air India suspended the use of the aircraft as well. Chilean carrier LAN Airlines also decided not to use the Dreamliner for the time being.


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