
Russians describe perfect family

Russians describe perfect family

A perfect family for the vast majority of Russian citizen is, first of all, a family in which mutual understanding, support and respect remain the top priority despite financial difficulties. This was stated by more than 80 respondents who took part in the survey conducted by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) on the threshold of the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty, which is celebrated on July 8th.

Almost the same number of respondents believe that the interests of the perfect family should be more important than the interests of individual members of this family (78%). Husband and wife should have only common interests and spend their free time together (77%). In addition, for the majority of respondents, a perfect husband and a perfect wife in a perfect family "live with their own reason, overcome difficulties themselves and do not let others interfere into their affairs" (65%), the study found.

Is there a place for equal rights between the spouses? The issue is still controversial, sociologists found. 45% of respondents said that in the perfect family, the spouses should share their responsibilities equally. 53% preferred the option, in which the head of the family assumes responsibility for all other family members.

The Russians living in marriage and unmarried respondents share similar views on the issue of the perfect family in most cases, the researchers said. However, married respondents said it is mutual understanding, but not financial security that lays the foundation of a perfect family.

Differences in the views about the perfect family can be observed among those, who entered into marriage once, and those who did so repeatedly. For example, the respondents, who registered their relationship once, note that understanding for a perfect family is more important than the material wealth (83% vs. 72%). They also say that relations in a perfect family can be built on the basis of equality in rights  (47% vs. 39%).

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