Two men use grenade to cool their coppers

Two drunk men were arrested in St. Petersburg after they attempted to rob a grocery store. The men entered the store on Savushkin Street at about 13:00.

They threatened the sales assistant with an object that looked like a grenade and asked the woman to give them two bottles of beer. Having received the beer, the perpetrators left the grenade as their payment for the beer. They put the grenade on the counter and left the store, MR7 reports.

Some time later, the perpetrators were arrested. It is the second time when grenades are used as a tool for committing criminal actions in St. Petersburg.

A grenade explosion occurred in the city last Friday, at 07:40. One person suffered a leg injury as a result of the explosion. A Hyundai car, which was driving by during the moment of the explosion, was damaged too. The explosion occurred as a result of a fight between two neighbors. The men were staying in a state of alcoholic intoxication. 


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