Russia improves Uran-9 combat robotic machine

Russia continues to improve its combat robot Uran-9. The robot that weighs ten tons was developed to storm various objects and fortified areas.

After the expert analysis of the work of the machine during Syrian operations, Russian specialists decided to improve a number of parameters, such as control, mobility, firepower, surveillance and intelligence functions. For the time being, the robot can neither shoot nor move.

The Uran-9 can "see" for a distance of 2 kilometres, which is not enough. Another nuance is the control of the machine. To be able to control the robotic machine remotely, one has to stay in the zone of visibility - this peculiarity distinguishes ground drones from unmanned aerial vehicles. To control an UAV, one can use satellite communication, which means that the operator can stay a hundred kilometres away. On the ground, however, there are many obstacles, such as buildings, to establish uninterrupted connection between the operator and the machine.

Therefore, the machine will be useful most on flat surfaces, where the connection is of high quality.

It is worthy of note that Uran-9 is equipped with a 30-millimeter gun, a large-caliber machine gun, anti-tank missiles and anti-aircraft missile system (Igla).

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