Scientists name products that push people to gluttony

The main reason for overeating, according to American scientists, lies in the use of certain products, rather than in the lack of the power of will.

The cause of overeating was discovered by Dr. Robert Lustig, a professor at the University of California. In his book, titled "Fat Chance" he called overeating a "scourge of modern civilization." It is the consumption of large amounts of food that eventually leads to obesity and all diseases related to it.

To avoid overeating, according to Lustig, you need to exclude the following products from your diet: white bread, sugar, honey, pastries and other foods high in simple carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates, the scientist believes, makes the brain insensitive to leptin - the hormone if saturation - with which the body says that it has had enough food. When the brain does not hear the signals from leptin, a person continues to enjoy food, even if he or she does not need to eat at all. 




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