Putin invites the West for cooperation and peace during inaugural speech

Russian President Vladimir Putin officially took office on May 7, 2024. The inauguration ceremony took place in the St. George Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace. The head of state took the oath, the text of which is enshrined in the Constitution.

Vladimir Putin went to the inauguration ceremony from his Kremlin office. He walked along the Kremlin corridors and stopped only once along the way to look at a painting on the wall.

He then proceeded to the Aurus presidential car and, accompanied by a motorcade of motorcycles of the same brand (they were presented for the first time), Putin went to the inauguration site, where the Kremlin commandant greeted him.

Before taking the oath, the current head of state shook hands with surgeon Leonid Roshal and speakers of the upper and lower houses of the Russian parliament — Valentina Matvienko and Vyacheslav Volodin.

The President began his speech by addressing every citizen of Russia. He thanked residents of all regions of the country and participants of the special military operation in Ukraine for their trust. The head of state noted that during the presidential elections held in March, the Russians confirmed that the country chose the correct course.

He specifically thanked all Russians who were fighting for the Fatherland for their support.

"I assure you that the interests and safety of the people of Russia will remain above everything else for me in the future," Putin said.

The preservation of all peoples of Russia, their age-old values and traditions remains a key priority for Russia, he also said.

The president said that he would do everything to ensure that people who proved their loyalty to the Fatherland through their deeds take leading positions "in public administration, in the economy, in all spheres.”

Putin is confident that it is the people of Russia that will determine the fate of the country.

Moscow will continue working with partners in Eurasian integration and other sovereign development centres to form a multipolar world order, the president also said. Russia does not refuse dialogue with Western states and is ready for dialogue on issues of security and strategic stability, but only on an equal basis, "without any arrogance and exceptionalism involved."

"The choice is theirs: do they intend to continue trying to contain Russia, continue the policy of aggression and continuous pressure on our country for years, or look for a path to cooperation and peace?" Putin said during the speech.

In the concluding part of his speech, the president called to remember the tragic cost of internal unrest and upheavals.

The head of state also stated that it is necessary to ensure reliable continuity in the development of the country for decades to come, to raise and educate younger generations who will strengthen the power of Russia.

Vladimir Putin concluded his inaugural speech by saying:

"We are a united and great nation. And together we will overcome all obstacles and bring all our plans to life. Together we will win!" Vladimir Putin said.

After taking office, the head of state attended the parade of the Presidential Regiment on Kremlin's Cathedral Square.

Then Vladimir Putin went to the Annunciation Cathedral, located on the territory of the Kremlin. Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia delivered a prayer service for the inauguration service.

Shortly thereafter, the Russian government resigned its powers to the elected president, as required by the Constitution.

Putin won the March election with 87.28 percent of the vote, the highest of his career. The current term will be Putin's fifth.

Author`s name
Pavel Morozov