Daria Trepova, 26, sentenced to longest prison term, 27 years, for terrorist attack

The Second Western District Military Court sentenced 26-year-old Daria Trepova (included in the list of terrorists and extremists) to 27 years in a general regime colony in the case of a terrorist attack in St. Petersburg.

Trepova was found guilty under articles 205 ("Terrorist act”), 222.1 ("Illegal trafficking in explosive devices”) and 327 ("Use of a knowingly forged document to conceal another crime”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The defendant will also have to pay a fine of 600,000 rubles ($6,700).

It was established that on April 2, Daria Trepova handed a figurine with an explosive device in it to military correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky (real name Maxim Fomin). The bomb inside the figurine subsequently exploded killing Tatarsky and injuring another 52 people.

According to Russia's Federal Security Bureau (FSB), Ukrainian special services and their agents were involved in preparing the terrorist attack. In particular, Trepova received the figurine from Yuri Denisov, a Ukrainian citizen (included in the list of terrorists and extremists of). Denisov spent several months collecting information about the military correspondent. Immediately after the terrorist attack, he flew to Turkey. Denisov is now wanted.

For preparing the terrorist attack, Trepova received more than 190,000 rubles ($2,150) to a crypto wallet and tickets to Uzbekistan.

Daria Trepova admitted her guilt only under the article on the use of a forged document. According to her, she knew nothing about the bomb in the figurine.

Trepova was thus sentenced to the longest prison term in Russia. Before her, the maximum sentence was given to members of the Amazon gang, who had attacked police officers, killed and robbed people in the Rostov region from 2003 to 2013. Two members of the criminal group were then sentenced to 25 years each. This is the maximum prison term for women, but since Trepova committed a terrorist attack, this rule was levelled.

Author`s name
Pavel Morozov