Putin: All those involved in military coup will suffer inevitable punishment

In 1917, "intrigues, squabbles and politicking" triggered a civil war because Russia's victory had been stolen, Putin said in a televised address to the nation in the morning of June 24. He vowed not to let this happen again.

In his address to Russian citizens and military men, Putin said that masterminds of the armed rebellion were traitors. The president promised that they would suffer "inevitable punishment."

"Everyone who organised and prepared the military mutiny, who took up arms against their comrades — they betrayed Russia and they will be held accountable for this," Putin said.

Today, Russia is struggling for its future, the president noted.

"The entire military, economic, information machine of the West is directed against us,” he said adding that "all forces should be united for the struggle."

The Armed Forces and other government agencies have received all necessary orders. Additional anti-terrorist measures are now being introduced in Moscow, the Moscow Region and other regions, Putin said. The situation in Rostov-on-Don, he said, remains difficult, and "decisive actions will also be taken to stabilise the situation there."

"As the President of Russia and the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, as a citizen of Russia, I will do everything to protect the country, to protect the constitutional order, the lives, security and freedom of citizens,” the President said.

"What we are facing is betrayal. Exorbitant ambitions and personal interests led to treason," he stressed.

Any internal unrest comes as a deadly threat during the time of the special operation, and the Russian authorities will take tough actions to protect the country from such a threat, he added.

Putin urged those who intend to be part of the military coup not to make such a "fatal tragic and irreparable mistake."

Similar actions led to the collapse of the army and the state in 1917, when Russia lost vast territories and found itself in the midst of a civil war.

"Russians were killing Russians, brothers were killing brothers, while all sorts of political adventurers and foreign forces, who divided the country, tore it apart, were taking selfish gains,” the president said.

Counter-terrorism operation regime in Moscow and Moscow region

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that security measures in the capital would be raised to a new level. Additional measures of control have been introduced on the roads of the city. It is believed that all mass events in Moscow will be canceled.

It is worthy of note that the counter-terrorism operation regime has been implemented in Moscow for the first time in history.

All most important facilities, public authorities and transport infrastructure facilities have been taken under enhanced protection.

Military equipment was noticed near the buildings of the State Duma and the Federation Council, as well as near the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour.

Author`s name
Petr Ermilin