What happened above the Kremlin at night? What will happen next?

On May 3 at night, Ukraine made an attempt to strike Putin's Kremlin residence. The raid was repelled with the help of radar warfare systems. The Kremlin website said in an official message that Ukraine committed a terrorist attack to assassinate Vladimir Putin, who was not in Moscow at that moment.

Washington at a loss about Kremlin incident

Ukraine did not inform Washington in advance about the drone attack on the Kremlin, CNN reported with reference to a senior American official.

"There was no advance warning,” the source said, adding that Washington is still collecting information about the incident.

According to another US government source, the available data do not support the version of the assassination attempt on Russian President Vladimir Putin, as the Kremlin previously said.

Washington leaves it up to Kyiv to defend its territory in the conflict, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said speaking about the drone attack on the Kremlin, TASS reports.

The authorities of Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg have banned the use of drones.

Meanwhile, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin called to recognise the "Kyiv regime” a terrorist organisation, which, "having captured the whole state, threatens the security of Russia, Europe, and the whole world.” According to him, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, giving orders for the commission of terrorist attacks, stood on a par with other international terrorists.

"There can be no negotiations with the Zelensky regime. We will demand the use of weapons that can stop and destroy the Kyiv terrorist regime," Volodin said.

Other Russian MPs also called for a tough response to Kyiv's actions. Sergei Mironov, the leader of Just Russia — For Truth faction, considered it necessary to strike back targeting the Ukrainian leadership.

"This is a real casus belli, a reason to a real war to annihilate the terrorist elite of Ukraine. We have something to strike their bunkers," Mironov said.

MP Mikhail Sheremet believes that Russia needs to launch a missile attack on Zelensky's Kyiv residence in response.

His colleague in the lower house of parliament, Adalbi Shkhagoshev, suggested that Russia's response would be tough.

"This is no longer a red line, this is a stop signal,” he stated.

MP Aleksey Zhuravlev called to strike the centre of Kyiv to destroy the president's office, the Verkhovna Rada, the General Staff, and the buildings housing Ukrainian special services.

By attacking the Kremlin, Ukraine is acting as a terrorist state, said Vladimir Dzhabarov, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs.

"Mind you, all the bombings, all the missile strikes that the Russian side has inflicted on the territory of Ukraine, have left out Bankovaya Street and the places where the supreme power of Ukraine is located, where the Verkhovna Rada, security agencies, military intelligence are located. We defiantly left those locations intact. We were fighting for something else — for demilitarization and denazification. We did not have the aim to destroy leaders," Vladimir Dzhabarov said.

Ukraine denies involvement in Kremlin attacks

Serhiy Nikiforov, a spokesman for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, said he had no information about the attacks on the Kremlin.

"As President Zelensky has repeatedly stated Ukraine directs all available forces and means to liberate its own territories rather than to attack someone else's," Nikiforov said.

Mikhail Podolyak, an adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine also denied Kyiv's participation in the drone attack on the Moscow Kremlin.

"Ukraine has nothing to do with the drone attacks on the Kremlin,” he said.

President Volodymyr Zelensky also denied Kyiv's involvement in the Kremlin strikes. 

Ukraine is not attacking either [Russian President Vladimir] Putin or Moscow," President Volodymyr Zelensky said. 

According to Zelensky, Ukraine lacks weapons to defend its own territories. “Therefore, we do not use them anywhere else,” he assured.

Author`s name
Petr Ermilin