Putin may suggest quick solutions during his Address to the Federal Assembly on February 21

During his address to the Federal Assembly on February 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin may offer quick solutions that need to be approved quickly, political scientist Dmitry Solonnikov said commenting on reports about unscheduled meetings of the State Duma and the Federation Council on February 22.

The Russian leader may consider bills related to personnel appointments or the special operation.

"Suffice it to recall that one of his previous addresses ended up with the resignation of the government and major reshuffles. Something like that may happen this time as well. The president may propose to solve something promptly and quickly," Dmitry Solonnikov told Pravda.Ru.

Solonnikov also stressed that political scientists earlier assumed that Putin was going to make major statements deciding the entire future of the special operation during his visits to St. Petersburg or Volgograd. However, those predictions did not come true.

"With a certain degree of probability, the new result will be the same as the previous two," the expert concluded.

Earlier it was reported that an unscheduled meeting of the State Duma and the Federation Council would be held on February 22. The lower house of the Federal Assembly will meet in the morning, and the Federation Council — at 15:00 Moscow time.

Author`s name
Petr Ermilin