Putin and Shoygu plan to strengthen Russian western borders

Putin instructed Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu to prepare a report about the need to strengthen Russia's western borders in connection with NATO's actions. He also supported the minister's suggestion to deliver the captured Western-made weapons and military hardware, including tanks and Javelin complexes, to Donbass.

According to Defence Minister Sergei Shoygu, the West is taking steps to buildup its forces near Russia's western borders. Therefore, the Russian General Staff developed a plan to strengthen the borders. Putin asked Shoygu to prepare a separate report on this topic.

Russia should strengthen its western borders, Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu said at a meeting of the president with permanent members of the Security Council.

"The General Staff is developing and has actually completed the plan to strengthen our western borders,” Shoygu said.

"More and more new units arrive in the region every day, and they deploy them, even if there is absolutely nothing that may threaten them. Nevertheless, it seems to us that, while taking advantage of this situation, they want to saturate our border area on the other side with their forces as much as possible and consolidate their forces there for many years to come," Shoygu said.

President Vladimir Putin responded that such a move would require separate consideration. He asked Shoygu to prepare a separate report on this topic.

"Based on the results of the discussion of the report, we will make an appropriate decision in the near future,” Putin said.

The meeting of the Security Council took place against the backdrop of Russia's ongoing military operation in Ukraine. The purpose of the operation, as the Russian authorities put it, is to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine. Putin earlier said that Moscow wanted Ukraine to accept the idea of its neutral, non-bloc status to eliminate a threat to Russia's security from Ukraine for good.

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