Defence Minister: Operation in Ukraine will last until all goals are reached

Russia will conduct its special operation on the territory of Ukraine until the moment when all the goals set are achieved, Russian Defence Ministry Sergei Shoygu stated on Tuesday, March 1, TASS reports.

"The grouping of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will continue conducting a special military operation until the goals are achieved,” the minister stressed during a conference call.

Earlier, he said that the Russian army was not trying to occupy the territory of Ukraine, whereas the military were taking all necessary measures to ensure the safety of the civilian population.

Ukrainian military deploy mortars near schools and buildings

Defence Minister Sergei Shoygu also said that Ukrainian military personnel deploy mortars in the vicinity of residential buildings, as well as near schools and kindergartens, TASS reports.

"Multiple rocket launchers, guns, large-caliber mortars are placed near residential buildings, schools and kindergartens,” Shoygu said. "During military clashes, the Ukrainian side does not hesitate to use civilians as human shields,” he added.

Russia launched the military operation to protect Donbass on Thursday, February 24, after President Vladimir Putin delivered a televised address to the nation. According to him, Moscow was forced to do this due to the difficult situation in the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR).

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