
Putin tests nasal vaccine against COVID-19 on himself

Putin tests nasal vaccine against COVID-19 on himself

Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with members of the government that he had been vaccinated with a new nasal vaccine against coronavirus.

After the procedure, he did not have any unpleasant sensations, Putin clarified.

In addition, the head of state said that on November 22, he was revaccinated with Sputnik Light vaccine.

"Six months after vaccination, my protective titers have dropped, and experts recommended I should undergo the revaccination procedure, which I did,” Putin explained.

The President announced his desire to become a volunteer in testing the new nasal vaccine against COVID-19 at a meeting with Deputy Director of the Gamaleya Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Denis Logunov, on November 22.

The Sputnik V nasal vaccine against COVID-19 is painless and has minimal side effects. The nasal vaccine will create an additional barrier for the virus in the form of immunity in the upper respiratory tract, Denis Logunov, deputy head of the Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology said.

"This is convenient for vaccination, it is painless and has minimal side effects. In addition, we will be able to achieve the most important thing: after the primary vaccination parenterally we will have systemic immunity, and after additional intranasal immunization we will create additional barrier in the form of immunity in the upper respiratory tract," Logunov said at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Earlier, Logunov said that the Sputnik V nasal vaccine against COVID-19 would be introduced into practice in the near future.

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