
Putin on National Unity Day: Crimea will stay with Russia forever

Putin on National Unity Day: Crimea will stay with Russia forever

Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in the ceremony to lay flowers at the memorial complex dedicated to the end of the Russian Civil War.

The monument dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the end of the Civil War in Russia in 1917-1922 was unveiled in Sevastopol in April. The monument is located on the coast of the Quarantine Bay, overlooking the Tauric Chersonesos and St. Vladimir's Cathedral.

Putin arrived in Sevastopol on the National Unity Day, which Russia celebrates on November 4th. In addition to events timed to coincide with the holiday, Putin will take part in the session of the Supreme State Council of the Union State of Russia and Belarus.

During the ceremony, Vladimir Putin assured that the territories of Crimea and Sevastopol would remain with Russia forever, since it was the choice of the people.

"Our country has regained historical unity. One can feel this live, inextricable connection here, in Sevastopol, in the Crimea, particularly deeply. They are now with Russia forever, because this is the sovereign, free and unyielding will of the people, of our entire nation," Putin said.

Putin laid flowers at the memorial dedicated to the end of the Civil War in Sevastopol. According to him, the memorial shows that Russia "remembers and loves all of her sons and daughters, no matter on which side of the barricades they may be."

Crimea became part of Russia in March 2014 following a popular referendum. Ukraine, the EU countries and the United States refused to recognize the results of the vote, calling the reunification of the peninsula with mainland Russia an annexation. The Russian authorities reject these allegations and insist that the accession procedure was held in accordance with international law.

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