Navalny during court hearing acts like a snake on a frying pan

When answering questions, Alexei Navalny tried to avoid unambiguous answers and started arguments. The judge had to reprimand the defendant.

Navalny chose an original method of defense. His technique to always argue with the judge and the prosecutor and endless political statements that he was making to go away from the essence of the case hearing may only play the trick for the youngsters. In general, Navalny does not look like a revolutionary, nor can he be a new national leader, candidate of legal sciences Alexander Zorin believes.

"He is a frightened, nervous person who does not come to the point, but replaces concepts instead... We do not see a leader, but we can see a person who ties himself into knots like a snake on a frying pan, trying to find a way out," the lawyer said commenting on Alexei Navalny's behaviour during the court hearing on February 2.

The lawyer pointed out that instead of making specific statements, Navalny resorted to declarative rhetoric. In general, his behaviour during the trial can be described as hysterical, the lawyer added.

Symbolically, Alexei Navalny appears in court on the Groundhog Day. The coincidence generated a plethora of jokes and memes on social media.

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