Russia reminds North Korea of its S-400 systems in Sakhalin

S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems on Sakhalin, S-300V4 systems on the Kuril Islands and MiG-31BM interceptor aircraft in Chukotka provide reliable protection for Russia's Far Eastern borders from the Chukchee Sea to the Sea of ​​Japan, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu said after the DPRK conducted its new missile launches, TASS reports.

According to him, the air defense system of the Eastern Military District continues to develop.

"Within the framework of the state armament program, we are re-equipping the district troops. Last year, they received more than 900 units of modern and modernized hardware, including Su-35S, MiG-31BM aircraft, S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, BTR-82AM armored personnel carriers, radar stations, engineering equipment and communications," Shoygu said.

Putin's official spokesman Dmitry Peskov also commented on DPRK's missile launches on March 25. In his opinion, Pyongyang's actions do not threaten the Russian territory, but Moscow is closely watching them.

North Korea launched two ballistic missiles on March 25. The shells fell outside the Japanese Exclusive Economic Zone. Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga called the incident a violation of the UN Security Council resolution and a threat to peace and security of the region.

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